I have instantiated a Bonita Process which in turn creates a case id(C1) and associated tasks as well.
Now, i execute task T1 associated to case C by doing the following operations
For this example, I have purposefully masked the IP URL and considered the task id to be T1
- http://1xx.1xx.1xx.1xx:3000/bonita/API/bpm/humanTask/T1 (Assign Task to an User) [API1]
- http://1xx.1xx.1xx.1xx:3000/bonita/API/bpm/userTask/T1/execution (Execute Task associated to an user)[API2]
After the aforementioned api's are done with, I want to fire the following API to find the next active task in the user's bucket
3. http://1xx.1xx.1xx.1xx:3000/bonita/API/bpm/humanTask?c=200&f=caseId%3DC1&p=0 (Fetch Next Task in the Case)[API3]
Now the questions are:
1. When i fire the 1st and 2nd API, and i get a success response (200) on both of them, which basically leads to me fire the 3rd API. Whenever I fire the 3rd one, there's a marked time delay in receiving the array response. Initially it is an array which gives me the previous task, and after some seconds delay, i have the correct response.
To better represent the same, take this example:
After Initiation I have Task T1 belonging to Case C1.
I fire API 3 and this is my response
[{id:123,name:T1, rootContainerId: 001..........}]
After I run API1 and API2, and again executing API3, this is my response
[{id:123,name:T1, rootContainerId: 001..........}]
after few seconds
[{id:456,name:T2, rootContainerId: 001..........}]
It is taking some time delay for the next active task's detail to show up as a response.
How do i get past this? I would need the context/metadata of the next task T2 immediately after API1 and API2 is done. I mean to say, when i have received a 200 status on both the api's, i shouldnt be waiting on a response to pop up after some time delay.
Immediately, i get a stale response and after few seconds time delay, a correct response
2. Is the following latency removed in the subscription edition?
3. Why does Bonita send a success response of 200 even though all operations are not completed in the `Execution` API?
(I am currently using a Community Edition of Bonita)