Launch a subtask with a popup window

Hello Guys,
I saw a demo on how you can launch a task within a popup window
Exemple: in my process during a task, i want to add a second validate button that allows me to open a new task to submit a special request to an administrator for instance(i’m not talking about adding a comment) i really mean (a kind of subtask that can be launched in a popup menu)
are there some ways to do this?


For your information, subtask as you saw it in the demo is a feature that exist in Subscription Efficiency edition. You can find more information on how to use it in our online documentation here .
This feature does not exist in the Community edition.
Hope this helps,

Thank you Haris, we actually own a Teamwork edition, damn :slight_smile:

Then it’s a good moment to think about upgrading to Efficiency :slight_smile: