Mysql Insert Query Slow - Process Error

I'm having a problem with the execution of processes in pretty.
There is an insert query of that is getting caught in mysql and beautiful doing a rollback in the process because of it.
Anyone have any idea what it is?


insert into BN_PVM_EXEC (DBVERSION_, EVENT_UUID, NAME_, STATE_, ITERATION_ID_, WAITING_FOR_, ACT_INST_NB_, ACT_INST_ID_, NODE_, ACT_INST_, PROCESS_, PARENT_, INTERN_INST_) values (0, null, 'Desvio56', 'active', 'it8b35c1f2-4f57-48b5-855f-71f534e7e676', 0, 0, 'mainActivityInstance', 12546, null, 377, 367631, 13495);


Bonita Exception:


	<detailMessage>Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: null id in org.ow2.bonita.runtime.model.Execution entry (don&apos;t flush the Session after an exception occurs)


	<cause class="org.hibernate.AssertionFailure">

	<detailMessage>null id in org.ow2.bonita.runtime.model.Execution entry (don&apos;t flush the Session after an exception occurs)</detailMessage>


















	<trace>sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)</trace>





	<trace>$Proxy19.recordActivityFailed(Unknown Source)</trace>



	<trace>sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)</trace>









	<trace>sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor206.invoke(Unknown Source)</trace>





	<trace>$Proxy23.executeTask(Unknown Source)</trace>

	<trace>sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor206.invoke(Unknown Source)</trace>










	<trace>$Proxy23.executeTask(Unknown Source)</trace>


	<trace>sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)</trace>

































	<trace>$Proxy23.executeTask(Unknown Source)</trace>

	<trace>sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor206.invoke(Unknown Source)</trace>










	<trace>$Proxy23.executeTask(Unknown Source)</trace>


	<trace>sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)</trace>





























	</org.ow2.bonita.facade.exception.BonitaInternalException> (uncaught exception) at /home/jamworks/cloud/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Exception/BadResponseException.php line 48


I thought about using Postgres, but perform a data migration serious a bit tricky. 
I tried to execute the query using a mysql client and the problem continued. 
I took a shutdown in catalina and ran the query in mysql client again and no problems. 
I noticed that in one of the cases there was a loop that was catching and running many queries at the same time. 
Fix that and everything returned to normal. 
Thank you all for your help.

I edited your question to add some computer code style.


Just to be sure but if you run your query directly from a MySQL tool (MySQl Workbench, for example) does it works properly?

Could you please tell us what version of Bonita are you using, the java web server you are using, and more ? is it mandatory for you to use Mysql, or could you use PostgreSQL ?