Problem with add a redirect link to portal

Dear All
I have a simple question. I am new to using Angularjs. The “bonita-portaljs” project is based on Angularjs and in following path “bonita-portal-js/main/features/user/tasks/list/filters/task-filters.html” I add a simple <ng-click> tag to redirect the bonita portal to another site for example it was added below the “Done tasks” in the left panel. but there is a problem. when I click on it, it shows “404” error.It redirects me to “http://localhost:8080/bonita/portal/
How can I solve it?

this is my code:

<li role="presentation"> <a ng-href="">Google</a> </li>

I think this would be as expected for AngularJS.

as you have only qualified the link as “” it will add this the the site address.

Whereas if you had used “” it would work the way you want.


PS: As this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.