In our Bonita 7.0.2 community version we are experiencing an issue where a transaction times out which brings a whole engine into a blocked state and nothing helps except closing the java jobs and restart again. The last logs are:
17:08:12.629 [QuartzScheduler_QuartzScheduler-NON_CLUSTERED_MisfireHandler] DEBUG org.bonitasoft.engine.scheduler.impl.BonitaJobStoreCMT - MisfireHandler: scanning for misfires... 17:08:50.299 [bitronix-task-scheduler] WARN - transaction timed out: a Bitronix Transaction with GTRID [626F6E6974612D746F6D6361742D62746D2D6E6F646530000000001B4CFB4D00003BF8], status=MARKED_ROLLBACK, 1 resource(s) enlisted (started Tue Jan 06 08:13:49 CET 1970)
I have found out that a quartz scheduler in the version 2.2.1 (which is used in this bonita) has a bug, when a job gets into a BLOCKED state and cannot recover. This seems to me as a serious issue. Does anybody know how to fix this issue. It makes unable to run processes in bonita for us.