What is the correct way to prevent users from accessing the old Bonita Portal and redirect them to their respective new User and Administrator Living Applications?
What is the correct way to prevent users from accessing the old Bonita Portal and redirect them to their respective new User and Administrator Living Applications?
just use login.jsp?_l=fr&redirectUrl=apps/userApps
the redirect URL will use your app token (userApps in my example)
Hi Tam,
I'm not sure to understand why you what to modify provided login.jsp page. It's already managing the redirect after successful login
You just have to set the URL parameter
Hi @Laurent Leseigneur ,
I changed redirectUrl to my app in file login_jsp (stored at C:\BonitaStudioCommunity-2022.2-u0\workspace\tomcat\server\work\Catalina\localhost\bonita\org\apache\jsp), like this one:
if (redirectUrl != null) {
//// http://localhost:12974/bonita/apps/appDirectoryBonita/home/?tenant=-1&_l=en
//if (tenantId != null) {
// redirectUrl = redirectUrl.replaceAll("[\\?&]tenant=\\d+$", "").replaceAll("tenant=\\d+&", "");
// if (redirectUrl.contains("?")) {
// redirectUrl += "&";
// } else {
// redirectUrl += "?";
// }
// redirectUrl += "tenant=" + tenantId;
//// http://localhost:12974/bonita/apps/appDirectoryBonita/home/?_l=en
actionUrl.append("&redirectUrl=MyApp" );
//actionUrl.append("&redirectUrl=" + URLEncoder.encode(redirectUrl, "UTF-8"));}
But, file login_jsp.class is not compiled.
Could you please share me the way to compile file login_jsp to get the updated redirectUrl?
Thank you so much,