Request of most interesting project

Everybody knows the process „it helpdesk“ as demo. But this process isn’t beautiful enough.
I’m searching for
the best process created with Bonitasoft !
Reason: I want to present the whole power of bonitasoft 7.x to my colleges

What are the main conditions?

  • A standard process of a main IT process f.e. webshop or ITIL, eTom etc.
  • Process works like a self-running program
  • Runnable on the latest version (7.x)
  • Some really good looking templates for needed inputs (perhaps created with the new UI-designer)
  • And if possible, max 2 or 3 user accounts
  • Reality isn’t imported
    Please, help me!
    Many thanks ,


This is my personal opinion…

Sorry but this is a dreadful question…

I want an application that looks beautify so management will go wow!

I know “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” but this is too much. Is my colour scheme appropriate for your manager? Are my logos right? etc.

If the processes that are available are not pretty enough why not change them yourself and show management what you can do with them? Also tell them how long it told you to make them pretty, rather than functional…

10 hours a week doing process design, but 30 hours getting the colour just right. Who needs a new job?

You want beauty and the best process? The two need not be the same…and usually are not, the best process for whom? You, the supplier, management? My best process is not your best process, and I wouldn’t give it to anyone because it is propriety to my company…do I really want to give away my secrets to a potential competitor?

I think management would be more impressed by reality, which you say isn’t important, rather than how pretty it looks…

If you need real help with something like this, I would approach bonitaSoft Sales team. They may be able to help but out here, we’re interested in real solutions. no ones where reality isn’t important.

Sorry, and others may have a different view, this is my personal opinion,
