Send a message to a process in a different workspace


I'm trying to send a message to a process defined in another workspace. The documentation suggests it is possible:

Throw message event

The target pool. (...) You can also specify the name of a process that is defined in a diagram (...) that is in a different workspace.

However, when I do that, the diagram cannot be validated: Process target, referenced by source, does not exist

Is it possible to send a message to a process in another workspace as the documentation says? What do I have to do to make it pass the validation?

Thanks in advance.

Hi eric.59,

On Bonita Studio you won't be able to validate the diagram as at this level it is not aware of processes on other workspaces. So when doing this, it is expected to get an error on the throw error event of your diagram. Nevertheless, you will be able to ignore this error and deploy it.

Once it is deployed, assuming the sender process has the correct values and that the receiver process has been deployed as well on the same runtime, the message will be thrown by sender and caught by the receiver.

That being said, we recommend better defining processes that match each other in the same workspace.

Hope this helps,

 - Thalía