Skip the form before the process when start from portal


In my process I check the box “Skip” form in the application tab of my pool. (You can see that here :
It works fine when I run my process from Bonita Studio.
But when I run it from the portal, it doesn’t skip the form before my process.

Any idea why it does that ?

Thanks in advance.

I just checked the same thing, and the behaviour is same when I start from the Studio and when I start from the Portal - skipped.
Are you using different users for two tests? Can you try to create a new simple process just for test and confirm if you have correct behaviour (like I had)? That would help us determine that there is some configuration in your process that makes it work that way…

I use the same user for all my tests.
I also try with a process with only 1 task, and there is no problem.

It does this only with the process I use on the picture.

OK, so there is something in your process…
You said that it doesn’t skip the form when you run from the Portal. Can you tell us what is shown instead? What kind of page is displayed?

When I run the process from the studio, this page is displayed :

And when I run it from the portal, this page is displayed :
It is an auto-generate form with my process data. I need to submit to see the good page.

To avoid having the auto-generated form, make sure that for your three data (dateDebutRelease, dateDeploiementProduction and idRelease) checkbox “Auto-generate form” is not ticked.
But there should not be any difference between running from Studio and Portal (I just tested with process data having auto-generated form checked and skip start form and it is skipped for both Studio and Portal).
Are you sure that you are using the same version of the process on the Portal as from the Studio?

Yes I’m sure that I use the same version. I restart the server before my tests.

I try to uncheck the “Auto-generate form” checkbox but it doesn’t solve the problem.

If you uncheck the option and the form is still generated with these three variables, then there is something reallly strange happening. If you have a Subscription, open a support case. Or duplicate the process and leave only one task and share it with us to investigate, if OK for you.

I find a “solution”.

I try to duplicate the process to keep only one task like you say.
Then I try to run it from the studio and from the portal. And it works fine …

I don’t know why but it solves the problem.

The most important is that it works afterall :slight_smile:

After I restart Bonita Studio, the problem happens again.
I duplicate the process and keep only one task. This time it doesn’t work fine.
I open a case like you suggest.

Hi friend, did you find some solution for this problem? it happens the same with me…i skip the form from pool but when i run it appear message of case already submitted and there is on task of that case in my tasks…

If I remember well, it was a problem caused by special character and accentued letter in the name of my variable.