somebody has any tutorial from AngularJS in order to comunicate with API REST , because now i’m doing the same but with PHP CURL , and i found in order to start a process, i have to do it with java or Angular JS because with PHP CURL is very dificult or that is impossible to do it.
somebody has any idea?
Hi Sean ,
No , what i want to do is learn Angulara js and ngBonita library , because previously i worked with PHP CURL and i wanted to create an button that it allow me to start a process ,but i could not do it, now i’m reviewing this code from this video:,
i have followed all the steps but i now when i want to try it in my browser , it doesn’t work, the error is :
No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘http://localhost’ is therefore not allowed access.
The code is order to authenticate in bonita with the user ‘walter.bates’ and password ‘bpm’