SSL Web Service Connection Problem


I am using Bonita 5.5.2 and we were using web service connector with http://…
But the service provider of web service changes the http protocol to https protocol
After That i changed endpoint address with https://xdsliss
but my connector give that error :

Error while starting the case.
Bonita Error: bsi_HEI_3 Exception caught while executing Hook: because Could not send Message.

Its an emergency problem for me, pleasehelp me to solve this situation as soon as possible .


Secured web connector appeared in version 5.6, so you should consider migrating. Anyway, the version you are using is veeery old, and you should really consider moving your installation towards 5.10.2 (last branch of the version 5), because you would have a lot of fixes and new functionalities compared to v5.5. Please, note that version 6.4 should be realased this month, so you are currently way behind.
Hope this helps,

Dear Haris Subasic ,

Thank you for feed back as soon as.

Now I am searching to how to migration v5.10.2.

Migration tool is working v5.5.2 to v5.10.2?


Migration tool is not working for v5.
so firstly should i migrate 5.5.2 to 5.6 then 5.6 to 5.7 and … 5.9 to 5.10.2?

am i right?


not possible to migrate directly to 5.10, you will have to migrate one by one all the major versions: 5.5.2->5.6.3->5.7.3->5.8->5.9.1->5.10.2.
You will find the explanation in our online documentation, starting with how to migrate to 5.6 here:


I understood.
Thank you.