submit documents


I am completely new in Bonita and I need help. I use bonita bpm 7.2.3. I would like to know how to create a document in this version of bonita and submit it to the next to the other tasks of the process. Please can I have an example process to download a document and simply submit it to the other tasks of the process (at least three tasks).

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

See this project example, it gives you everything you need,


Thank you but i’m using bonita bpm 7.2.3

So…just use the latest one for 7.2.2 which should work with anything above 7.2.2


Hi, I created three tasks. At first I insert a first document in the instantiation form. At the first task I download this first document. In the second task, I want to create a new document that will be uploaded to the third task. I do not know how to instantiate a document in a task. I use bonita bpm 7.2.3. Please help me !!!

Thank you I already solved my problem !!!