Is is possible to let a user to choose a delegator to do task for him?
Can I choose different delegator for different process?
Can I set a time period in which that delegation will be effective.
Yes you can create a task where the user choose a delegator.
You need to store the username he choose in a variable and after that, for the next task you can use an Actor filter to assign the task to the choosen user.
The actor filter can assign the task to a user even if he isn’t in the actor mapping.
If you don’t want to add an actor filter on each task, you can add a filter on the Lane. It will affect every tasks in this lane.
I don’t understand exactly what you want to do.
So the actor filter can return userids which are not within the original actor mapping in the lane?
I thought the actor filter is to filter the actors defined on the task or in the lane.
And despite of arbitrary actor we can return and assign to the task in the actor filter… it doesn’t seem to resolve my problem. In your solution, the delegation logic need to be set using a process variable and we need to use a actor filter on each task I want to have delegation enabled. That means, if the delegation is somehow affect every single human task node in the system, I need to add that actor filtering logic to every actor filter ? Because of the filter is not chain-able, a task can only have one actor filter, that will makes things really ugly.