Test Jasper connector

I am using Bonita 6.3 and Jasper Studio 5.6 for creating my report.

I have created two documents in my pool. One for the jrxml and one for the pdf output.
When I create the report using the provided connector I can not test it with the test button.

I got the message: Input parameter ‘jrxmlDocument’ uses an unreachable Expression.

Is this normal? I mean, the test button is there only because it is a default wizard button or this connector should be testable.

I downloaded the Jasper connector example in the github repository and I got the same message.

I am having the same challenge and error. have you managed to sort this


No, it seems impossible to test it out with the test button in the wizard.
But it works in when executed in the process.

Im having a hard time getting my PDF file filled, it’s always coming out blank. Could you show me how you set up your report? Thank you