The new created button in UI designer can not work

1: Error reason: I want to create a new form for a task, all the widgets in the new form are generated automatically based on contract. there is one default button (name is Submit) which pushes process to go forward , but I want to create a new one to reject process to go back, when I create and config the button, it didn’t work, even the new button configuration is as same as the default button, it still didn’t work.

2: Error message when click the new button.
Debug message
Unrecognized token \u0027formOutput\u0027: was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token \u0027null\u0027, \u0027true\u0027 or \u0027false\u0027)\n at [Source: (; line: 1, column: 11]

3: Could you give me some useful advice for the defect, thank you a lot.


You probably get the "Unrecognized token" error because you likely forgot to bind the "Data sent on click" field to the "formOutput" variable content.

To do so, click on the "fx" button on the "Data sent on click" field: 

and choose the "formOutput" variable in the list.

You should hence get the following cross after this action: 

This should cure your error.

More info on this mechanism:



Make sense, Thank you very much.