1: Error reason: I want to create a new form for a task, all the widgets in the new form are generated automatically based on contract. there is one default button (name is Submit) which pushes process to go forward , but I want to create a new one to reject process to go back, when I create and config the button, it didn’t work, even the new button configuration is as same as the default button, it still didn’t work.
2: Error message when click the new button.
Debug message
Unrecognized token \u0027formOutput\u0027: was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token \u0027null\u0027, \u0027true\u0027 or \u0027false\u0027)\n at [Source: (org.restlet.engine.io.UnclosableInputStream); line: 1, column: 11]
3: Could you give me some useful advice for the defect, thank you a lot.