UI Designer can not open

Hello everyone,

After installing Bonita Bpm 7.0.1 fresh and run it , I simply click UI designer and I recieve following message ;

HTTP Status 404 - /designer/

type Status report

message /designer/

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.55

Is this normal?
Please help

If http://localhost:8080 shows that tomcat server is working then try this:
First check that you’ve installed the latest version of jre, then run Bonita BPM Studio and click on preferences button in cool bar. Click on Java in General section and tick the box near your latest jre which has been installed on your system. If you don’t find that you can specify it by browsing to its address. Or you can use search button in that very menu.
It solved my problem.

Done the following:

  1. Changed the portnumber of Tomcat
  2. Pointed to a newer version of Java
  3. Turned of the virusscanner and the firewall
    All didn’t work.
  4. Changed all of it back, set in ‘Preferences - Browser’ ‘Internet Explorer’ (in stead of Chrome).

This fixed the problem for me. Works like a charm, sadly with IE (not Edge).


I experienced a similar issue today, but the resolution was not one of those listed above.
Up to now my UI Designer was working without any issue, but it suddenly refused to start up again, although the portal was still working correctly.

As I lost a couple on hours on it, I will share my findings below :

The catalina.log showed that the workspace initilization was failing :

GRAVE: Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘workspaceInitializer’: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.bonitasoft.web.designer.repository.exception.JsonReadException: Could not read json file [ef5681e8-a9e3-4f52-a1ad-b53edde37d93.json]

and the cause was actually a corrupted JSON file which could not be loaded on startup :

Caused by: org.bonitasoft.web.designer.repository.exception.JsonReadException: Could not read json file [ef5681e8-a9e3-4f52-a1ad-b53edde37d93.json]

After deleting the corresponding ‘ef5681e8-a9e3-4f52-a1ad-b53edde37d93’ directory from the folder workspace\default\web_page, the UI Designer started working correctly again.

This troubleshooting section might also be useful: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/7.11/ui-designer-overview#_my_ui_designer_is_broken_and_return_a_404_error_or_a_blank_page

The UI Designer has a log file that you can consult, either from the Studio Menu > Bonita UI-Designer log


Or from your file system here: STUDIO_HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.bonitasoft.studio.designer/.extract/logs/ui-designer.log

what did work for me is opening bonita as admin 

is it possible you are already running an instance of Apache on your PC? If yes then you have an issue, first change the port number in Edit->Preferences and try again, but usually you can’t have two Apaches running on your PC.

Or the zip was corrupt try unzipping again and see what happens,


Still same result evet I change the port number . What do you mean by zip was corrupt ? you mean that downloading bonite bpm 7 was corrupt or another application should also be installed ?

Hello, I cannot reproduce the issue with 7.0.1.

@yasin Could you please share more details regarding your environment? (operating system, jvm, installation path, installation procedure…)

  • If you click on “Portal” does Bonita BPM Portal open in your browser properly?
  • You could also check if something wrong occured in the logs here:


I have the same problem.
The solution I use is to click on “Portal” to initialize it before clicking of “UI Designer”.
I think that the UI Designer doesn’t start when you start Bonita. You need to start the portal first.

This could be a bug, the underlying portal should start automatically…

I would add to atlassian and see what appears. v7 is being looked at very quickly.


I have installed Bonita 7.01 both home and work pc . These is no any problem with ui designer everything is working fine but I got the isue at work . There is a current server running in local host for company’s ERP system. I was thinking maybe Bonita also trying to set a server on local host and these servers were conflicted. If i got such problem and that is why UI designer does not work , I really need help how to fix it. And thanks for help solution yannick.lombardi I have also tried and got same result :frowning: Well I have also tried very basic solution yesterday that I format the pc :slight_smile: Guess what still same result. Is it really bug or what?

I have created a bug report if anyone wants to add comments/watch please feel free to add.



I have just received this from BonitaSoft Atlassian:

Hi Sean,

As you said, this may be a startup issue.
When Bonita BPM Studio 7.0.1 starts, you should be seing a message such as this with a progress bar:

Tomcat server is booting in background…

When this message is no longer displayed, the UI Designer should open in your browser.

If that is not the case, there could be an issue with the Tomcat port number.
To check on which port it is deployed, you could try to open these addresses and see if you get the Tomcat home page:
http: //localhost:8080/
http: //localhost:8081/
http: //localhost:8082/

Note spaces added to make them a none link…

If this still does not work, you could try to disable your firewall (if any) and restart the Studio to try again.

Lastly, you could check the Studio log from the Studio’s top Help menu.


Is it possible when I click Portal and the page opening as I ecpected but when I click UI designer Page gives me
HTTP Status 404 - /designer/

type Status report

message /designer/

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.55

message? I tried chaging ports and even firewall disabled. I would expect that this is a certain bug or something unless being withness that installing Bonita 7.0.1 at home and everything working fine .

My current pc properties windows 7 home basic i7 cpu 3.0 ghz 4 gb rem
I installed bonita bpm 7.0.1 in different computers and UI designer works in some of pc . I could not understand what are the differences between these pc . any idea?

Nope, only thing I can suggest is keep adding instances to the bug report…


It works OK for me by the way…


I dont think it is a bug otherwise it would not work with other computers too. I am still trying to understand what are the differences between those computers.



Have you seen in toolbar the preferences about browser ? Click on preferences >>> browser ?
Have you a browser selected ? If not, do it

Hope that helps.