I'm encountering an error in ui designer that sometimes doesn't load all the forms or fragments. It doesn't write any log in the studio ui designer log but by pressing f12 apparently it's failing this rest call:
This call half the time returns a:
HTTP Status 500 - Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
It doesn't happen every time and if I refresh the page/fragment multiple times it sometimes loads and works.
When opening a form or page the failling rest api is:
I already tried to update the -Xmx and -Xms parameters in the BonitaStudioCommunity.ini but I don't think it's doing anything to the UI Designer.
Version is 2021.1 but same error is happening in 2021.2. We have around 160 forms, 15 pages and 20 fragments.
Any help would be appreciated.