I am encountering a problem in a bonitasoft 7.3.0 environment (running on tomcat) with approximately 100 processes deployed (about 20 are enabled and 80 are disabled). Basically, when deploying a new version of the BDM, we are able to pause the services and upload the new BDM but I am encountering what appears to be a database transaction timeout when attempting to resume the services.
Through inspecting the source code for TenantAdministrationAPIImpl (see https://github.com/bonitasoft/bonita-engine/blob/master/bpm/bonita-core/bonita-process-engine/src/main/java/org/bonitasoft/engine/api/impl/TenantAdministrationAPIImpl.java), it looks as though bonitasoft attempts to resolve all process dependencies when resuming services. I have verified that by increasing the ‘bitronix.tm.timer.defaultTransactionTimeout’ property in the ‘bitronix-config.properties’ file, I am able to workaround the problem but this isn’t really a solution.
Given there could be a large number of processes deployed, what is the recommended approach to resuming services without having to increase the transaction timeout?