As far as I stay at the level of drawing a diagram, it’s ok. But when I try to define and to use BDM and forms, I have a lot of “how to” questions and I do not find the necessary information to help me in using the correct methods and language items.
Is there somewhere a good exhaustive documentation like a user or reference manual describing Bonita functionalities in detail, even if it has a cost.
If you want to start working with Bonita in the best conditions, I suggest you follow our Getting started Tutorial (in english) available in our official Documentation .
Then, if you want to learn more, we suggest you follow our training on Community Edition : Bonita Camp
Of course if you have any question while practicing with Bonita, the community is here to help you.
So, for exemple, you need to create a form variable of API type with an url like:
The request : findChauffeurByBadgeId need to be define in your Business data.
I’ve looked at both (Bonita Camp video tutorials and Getting started) but I do not find the answers i’m looking for.
For example : I’m working on a process aimed to accomodate a semi-trailer driver in a secured plant. Some of them have permanent plastic badges they can scan. Others not. Thus, first question : Do you have a badge ? I store the answer in a process variable. Then a gateway to separate these two cases. If the driver answers he has a badge, I ask him to scan it (to enter the badge code, in a Bonita form !), otherwise I ask him his language. This is ok, I succeed to do this.
After that, I have to recover the driver’s datas from a business object for the which I have stored some drivers examples in BDM Bonita Database. When I go to the Developement → Consult (h2 console), I find my drivers with the suggested request : SELECT * FROM CHAUFFEUR .
But, in my form how do I use the SELECT statement with a “WHERE” clause and the value of the process variable where my driver has typed in his badge number ?
Sorry for the lenght of the question, but it was aimed to illustrate the kind of questions I’m asking myself. I cannot find the answer in the basic documentation …
BDM–> Chauffeur :
NomPrenom - type string
Transporteur - type string
NumBadge - type string
Langue - type string
Entry in the BDM (2 of 3) :
Existing auto Request : FindByNumBadge :
FROM Chauffeur c
WHERE c.NumBadge= :NumBadge
ORDER BY c.persistenceId
Create a human activity with :
a contract on NomPrenom, Transporteur and Langue to be displayed
Operations automatically created : setNomPrenom, setTransporteur and setLangue
Create a form : affChauffeur
With a variable : varChauffeur :
associate the field to display the name of chauffeur to Value : data:varChauffeur.NomPrenom (read only). Same for other fields tranporteur and langue.
When I run the process, the form is displayed but the fields are empty.
What’s wrong ?
(sorry, it would be much more understandable with screen captures …)
Hi Dominique,
When you automatically create the form from your contract with your BDM (using 7.9), you cannot have a form including only read-only fields.
Does your form contain widgets which can be edited as well?
PS : large format comes from the fact that you added spotted lines under your text, which has been converted into titles
I didn’t create the form automatically from the contract with the “UI” tool. I went through the “form” tab and then the pencil tool. But, anyway, the fields were added automatically to the form. I just created the form variable and then attached it to the fields.
No other widget than the three read-only fields and a field for the badge number, with a text : {{chauffeurIn.NumBadge}} which was ther automatically, but it doesn’t appear in the form.
p = page and c = number of result.
For exemple, if you have 50 entries in your DB:
With p=0 and c= 20 ==> You will see the first 20 results.
Whith p=2 and c= 5 ==> You will see the data of 15 to 20.
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.