
Buen día, es posible configurar bonitasoft con wampserver, para poder usar mysql y localhost.

Hola, me muestra un error al momento de configurar BonitaSoft con wampserver.
Tienen algún vídeo sobre la configuración de BonitaSoft con wampserver


The standard development already comes with Apache, and using MySQL is simply a case of installing it and using it with Database Connectors…


can you give a link to the video, and if there is an error you need to post the logs…

you have some video of the configuration, BonitaSoft con wampserver

I’ve had a look - those videos are more than 5 years old…and do not relate to the latest versions of software.

Which BonitaSoft software are you talking about? 6? Studio or Portal?

You problem as I see it is,

  • WAMP uses tomcat
  • BonitaSoft Studio/Portal bundle also use Tomcat

You cannot have two copies of Tomcat executing on the same machine like this.

You need to explain a bit more what you are trying to do…and the contect of the version you are trying to do it with…
