Webservices Connector Issue


I am using a webservices connector to create an ID from a token which is generated automatically when i execute the connector. I pass the following variables in the envelope.
I have the following information in the envelope.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>

${ requestor }
${ processInstanceId }
${ goal }
${ specification }
${ reason }
${ processInstanceId.toString }


I am able to generate the token which in turn creates a Unique Id.
Now the main issue is, eventhough the values are generated and the variables store the values, the final result i get is only this ${ goal }. Generally if the value of goal is ‘test123’, then that value should have been passed to the variable. I would have expected to see ‘test123’ instead of ${goal} inside the envelope.

Can anyone explain whats wrong or am i missing something.
Appreciate your help.


I did a test with a basic process that call a public weather web service on case instantiation and use a process variable initialized with process instantiation contract.
In the web service HTTP request I can actually see the value I input in the instantiation form.
So everything seems just fine.

You can download my example to maybe find out in which way yours is different.

Also you might want to share your process as a .bos file so I can take a look at it.

Does this apply only to the goal variable or also to processInstanceId?

Hi Antoine,

It happens will all the fields. I gave goal as an example.
When i see the case variables in the admin portal , all these variables have values stored. So i am not sure where the problem is.


Hi Antoine,

I am not able to import your example since i use version 7.1 Teamwork edition. Not able to import a process from a higher version 7.5.2. Also would it be possible if the same example is done in version 7.1 so that i can download it?
Could you give me a location where i can share my process so that you can have a look?


Here is a version for Bonita version 7.1.0: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xba0wmjn5ijgblf/TestWebServiceDiagram-1.0-7.1.0.bos?dl=0

Hi Antoine,

Thanks for the test version. I tried making a few changes but it’s still the same.
Is it possible if i can share my original process so that you can have a look at it ?


Yes feel free to share your process .bos file and I can take a look at it.

Hi Antoine,

Here is the original process : https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xef6m6jhqfbvw2/CreateJIRAProjectWithCR-


Hi Antoine,

Any luck on this issue?


Actually it seems to be an issue with the injection of at least the process instance variable.
The workaround is to click on “Switch editor…” link below envelope definition and use define your envelope as a GString using triple double quotes and convert it to String.

Hi Antoine,

I tried using this and it seemed to work. The details are coming now.
I think there seemed to be a problem with unexpected characters like : and - which were passed into the variables and hence the envelope was giving an error while showing the output.
Thanks for your help.
