Are there any ways to make the modeller wrap text for object names, force a line break or similar? I’ve found that if the name contains more than a few words, the modeller randomly chops off the text when rendering the process (I’m on 7.3 on Win10 64bit):
Sometimes the missing text re-appears when zooming in or out, sometimes it re-appears when scrolling, sometimes it won’t appear properly unless I shorten the name
Ah the problem of how close do I have to put my elements…
I have the same problem but I now tend to space my diagrams out a bit more allowing things to view properly.
I would submit a bug report on Atlassian Bug Reporter if I were you and see what Bonitasoft say.
PS: I realize this isn’t the answer you were looking for but as it answers your question, please mark as resolved.
I was using some references found here -
over best practices, but I cant find where to wrap text on titles. My language have bigger words than english, so its important to make a clear diagram to set proper names to the elements. Is there a way to word wrap the titles as in the majority of the examples on camunda?
Can you maybe share some screenshot and a .bos file example to illustrate your issue?
Sadly this it is not currently possible to have word wrap in gateway name display.
Maybe a workaround is to use either the description of the gateway or a text annotation on the gateway to have a full description and try to keep the gateway name short.
But I understand your use case and so I open internally an improvement request to support that.