
How to get a group, searching by incomplete group name?

Bonita: 7.1

groupList = [





I use the following API:


result = []

I want:

result = "Europe_england_york".

It only returns what I want if I search "Europe_e".

thanks in advance.

send notification email to user in another group


I want to send notification email to user in another group:

how I can find the email of this user? and how user receive this message in his process?

Get the groups of a user

Hello everyone!

Back with a new problem to solve. For my page I need to get the groups of the logged in user. I already know how to get the users for a group, but this time i need the opposite. Can i get the groups in designer with an API or an extension would be a better approach?

Thank you in advance!

How to get users of specific role of multiple groups ?


I would like to get user list which the users have the specific role of specific groups.
For example, I get the list of specific groups first, then, I would like to get users of the "approver" role of each group.

I created a groovy script as follow, I would like to know how to retrieve each group id in order to use SearchOptionsBuilder group filter.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

How to set multiple actors with specific role with groovy script?


I created a groovy script in order to get users has a specific role in a specific group.

I set the actor with groovy script

import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.IdentityAPI;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.Group;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.GroupCriterion;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.User;

How to use my own user and group database table (or services)

Hi all.

I have an application that contain user authentication and user/group information services.
Now, I want integrate my application with Bonita process API, and use my existing user/group services (authentication, query, list, insert, delete, ...).

What should I do, please ?


Filter pour assigner a un groupe

tout le monde , j'espère que tout va pour le mieux.

Alors aujourd'hui je viens avec une petite question , j'aimerais assigner une tache a un groupe bien spécifique
en utilisant les filtres d'acteur je parviens à faire beaucoup de choses mais je ne vois pas comment assignToGroup.

je vois seulement processAPI.assignUserTask il y aurait il ? processAPI.assignGroupTask ou un autre moyen d'y parvenir

Merci a vous

Asignar un grupo a un grupo padre con API REST

Hola, me gustaría saber como puedo asignar a un grupo, un grupo Padre utilizando el API REST. Los grupos los creo sin problemas, pero no consigo saber como puedo asociarlos.

Version de bonita 6.2 Gracias.

[Résolu] Organisation par défaut (active)


J'utilise la version 6.3 de Bonita Community. Je cherche désespérement comment mettre ma propre organisation par défaut. Je n'arrive pas à changer ACME (active). J'ai cherché sur le forum et la doc en anglais, sans réponses.

Quelqu'un a une idée ?

