
Error in load daterangepicker in portal

Dear All
I have added the Persian language to bonita portal community 7.3. However, when I run the tomcat server, I got the following error "Failed to load resource: http://localhost:8080/bonita/portal/scripts/includes/daterangepicker.fa_... the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
this error is related to the calendar. How can I solve this error?

Best Regards.

convert default calendar to Iranian calendar

Dear All
The default calendar that used in bonita portal is Georgian calendar. It shows the time like 02/21/2017 9:43 AM.
So, I want to change it to the Iranian (Jalali) calendar. I search the source code of community edition and in the following path "bonita-portal-js/main/assets/jqueryui/ui/i18n" I found the "jquery.ui.datepicker-fa.js" file.My question is how can I show the time like "چهارشنبه، ۳۰ فروردین ۱۳۹۶/۰۱/۳۰" format in bonita portal?
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated?

Best Regard

Problem with add a redirect link to portal

URL on the portal with a selected task

We want to send an email to the user with a link to the portal that shows the task he/she has to process. The following URL worked well with version 6.5. It opened the portal's task list and the task to be processed (in the example the task with id 480021) was already selected


configure bonita portal on SQL server

I used Bonita Community 7.3 and copy the JBoss bundle that created in the bonita-distrib project. So, I configure the portal on SQL server 2012. But, When I type the " setup init" in Windows Commandline, I got "Platform already created. Nothing to do.". In the following, When I type the "setup pull", I got "Platform version [7.3.3] is not supported by current platform setup version [7.3.0]" error.
How can I solve this problem?


change date format in bonita portal

Dear All
When I change or add a new language to bonita portal, The date format is English and not changed. How can I change date format for example to Jalali date format? Does anyone have experience about this issue?
Any suggestion is acceptable.


Problem in Add Menu in setting tab

Dear All
By surfing the bonita-web source code, in "/bonita-web/portal/src/main/java/org/bonitasoft/console/client/menu/view"
directory there is a"LoginBox.java" and I add sub menu in setting tab. everything in my menu is same as About option.it was compiled successfully. But when I run it, I saw a "Not implemented" instead of About popup page.
How can I solve this problem?


Add drop down menu to portal

Dear All
How can I add a new drop-down menu below language and about in setting tab in Bonita portal Community version? is it possible add a tab in navbar? I mean add it next to the "Processes" tab.
Any suggestion is acceptable.

Best Regard.

Applying visual changes to Bonita Portal

Dear All
I have built Bonita BPM Community 7.3 from source. I want to modify the look'n feel of web pages. to do so, in Bonita-web project there are many less files that construct the appearance of the portal web page. for example, I change the @maincolor variable in skin.config.less.
After Compiling all of the projects the color changed. OK, I want to change other things, so it is very time-consuming to compile all of the projects.
Is it possible to see the response of my changes applied to the less files without compiling the whole projects? I mean faster.

add menu or tab to bonita portal

Dear All
In order to fully customize the bonita portal, I want to add some customized pages or menu and tab to the bonita portal community 7.3. so, How can I do that?
to modify the portal, I should know the source code of portal or not?
any help is accepted.

Best Regard.
