Actor "Actor 3" does not contain any members


I made a process with more actors. Everything works fine until I added a new actor. I defined it in Organization, Pool, for specific task and configure it, but it still doesn’t work. It works when I select someone that I already configure before. Does anyone know how to solve this?

He is not. When I change it on Portal it works. But as soon as I turn off Portal and run again from Bonita it doesn’t work. I have to do it over and over again

Hi folks,

I know this a old question, but in this week I had the same problem.

And I found my “actor dead” inside a sub-process.

I think maybe my solution could help someone.


Hello irina,

Have you tried to PUBLISH the new organisation you have just created ?

Have you checked that the attributes of your actor3 is similar to an '“already know” users (like helen.kelly or walter.bates ) ?

See you soon.


Yes, I published, but then again when i hit run i got this mistake. I tried restarting Bonita, but it didn’t help. I fixed on Portal, but when I imported to Bonita and configured it, again same mistake. On Portal i have to fix it every time

Can you export your organisation and make the code part of this actor3 available to check it ?

It sounds strange to me not working.
Have you defined a membership too ?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Actor1 Actor3 Actor2 Actor5 Actor4 /Employee/Traveler Employee /Employee Employee Actor4 /Managers/Supervisor Supervisor Actor1 Actor3 /Employee/Assistants Assistant /Employee Assistant Actor5 /Managers/Accountant Accountant /Managers Accountant Actor6B /Managers/Board CFO Actor3 /Employee/Driver Driver

Actor 3 shows mistake Actor “Actor 3” does not contain any members

Hi Irina,

Have you checked out who is the initiator in your case ?

Be careful, we talk about Actor in Bonita BPM Studio and we talk about User in Bonita BPM Organisation, is not the same. Users have a first name, password etc… not Actors.

Thanks for the info.
I would like to know the following information :

  • Your organisation that you have in your studio by exporting it (not the mapping)
  • the version of BonitaBPM you are using.



Initiator is Employee.

All Actors are defined in Bonita BPM organization. I can’t share that here, coz it has many names and contacts, but when i compare Actor 3 with others or his position (Driver) with other positions it is the same as the others.

I will try to explain when problem appears. I have one Pool with more Lanes (Actors). I add new Actor in Pool, select it on last lane as actor. Then I go to Configure, choose for that Actor, Groups, Roles, Users from active Organization. I click Finish and try to run the process. Then I get this message. I tried to change to different Groups, Roles, Users (like some defined as Actor 1 for example), same thing happen. I went to last Lane and choose different Actor, defined before and it worked. But no new Actors defined work

I am using Bonit BPM Community 6.4.0

I think that ins’t a problem from Bonita BPM Studio but from Bonita BPM Portal.

Can you to connect it and see if this actor is activated in Bonita BPM Portal ?

Are you using the Portal version provided with the Studio or with a bundle ?

Because by default each time you restart the Studio you will reset the bonita database and so loose the information about the organisation you downloaded.

You can change the properties of your Studio to keep the data/organisation etc in the database by going to PREFERENCES → DATABASES

Check or Uncheck the options you want or you don’t want.

A bientôt

@bos2013, tried, but it seems it doesn’t work. Can you, please, tell me step by step how to do it?

@big73, to delete something? I am afraid I will lose all process :frowning:

The application in Bonita BPM Portal is from jar file exported from Bonita BPM Studio.

In fact, when you run from Bonita BPM Studio, the Bonita BPM Engine delete the instance of your application in Bonita BPM Portal and update it from Bonita BPM Studio.

Now, you just have to do it manually, in a first time you delete it and when you will run, Bonita BPM Engine will regenerate jar file and import it in Bonita BPM Portal.

Just try, you wont loss anything.

Didn’t help :frowning:
Seems nothing I do on Portal is not important for Bonita Studio, it just deletes when I exit and enter portal again…

Not working (:

Employee is the initiator actor okay… but with which user is it mapped in your organisation ?

Check out if in “Authentification” in “Configure” tab it’s well configured. And if in the last page of organisation wizard you’ve the same USER.

There are more users defined as initiators. Process can be started by any employee. Actor 3 is Driver (and one User, User 3), he doesn’t start the process. Everything works fine without last lane and Actor 3. It works fine when I select instead some other actor for that lane, previously defined. “Authentication” is ok, when I delete Actor 3 it works great

In my side, i just’ve added an Actor “test” in a pool in Bonita BPM Studio.
I’ve configure it as tha actor of the last lane and when I’m running, effictively I’see a popup who tell me the

Actor “test” does not contain any members

I click on “Configure” then I map it with any role… and it’s okay for me, all works fine.

Have you just shutdown Bonita BPM Studio and restart it ?

I restarted it many times, but it didn’t work. I just did the same as you, but when I clicked Configure and map it, I got again:

Actor “test” does not contain any members

I’m going to import your organisation in Bonita BPM Studio and try it.

see you soon