Bonita Runtime 6.3.1 "Actor does not contain any members."


I’m having trouble in deploy in Bonita Runtime 6.3.1 with my file “*. Bar”.

The error message is below:
‘Actor’ Ator1 'does not contain any members. "

Already added users, groups, roles and membership in Actor Mapping Menu(Server> Settings), but the error persists.

I’m desperate, I need to make a quick HelloWord the new version of the BOS Runtime 6.3.1

The “org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.process.Problem” API always returns me this error and can not perform the deploy

List listProblems = processAPI.getProcessResolutionProblems (processDefinitionId);
System.out.println (“Total problems:” + listProblems.size ());
for (Problem problem: listProblems) {
System.out.println (“Listing problem:” + problem.getDescription ());

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I’ve done everything that is described in the link below:

In Bonita Studio 6.3.1 is everything ok.

I’m using the Bonita Runtime 6.3.1 with Postgres 9.1 database data

Does any error in Bonita Runtime?

Hi elias.ricken,

But there is only one pool, I have configured all actors.

I was wondering any way to put these dependencies within the “process-design.xml” file.

Below is how the dependency of my file “process-design.xml”.

name="Employee This is an example of an actor that is mapped to any ACME users

For what reason Bonita Runtime 6.3.1 with Postgres database 9.1 is launched the ‘Actor’ Employee actor 'does not contain any members "error.

Please can someone give me a hand?

I’m desperate!

I had the same problem and what i did is to "clean " those actors deleting the groups That i had configured , the I ran it again and the message Appeared once again, on that moment I could configure the groups for those actors again and the problem was solved.

En la opción config debe

  1. agregarle a cada Actor una grupo y rol o membresía y luego un usuario.
  2. luego asegurarse que cada lane tenga un actor
  3. Luego que cada actividad tenga el usuario que es, o el que por defecto del lane.
    4.(Importante) Eliminar Employee o usuario que vienen por defecto en la organización ACME
  4. Eliminar la organización por defecto ACME en caso de que siga
  5. Publicar la nueva organización


if you have more than one pool in your diagram make sure you have selected the right one before choosing Server/Conifgure/Actor mapping.

Hi! Did you solve the problem? Would you please tell me, how? I have the same thing here and don’t know what to do.

Which is the content of file actorMapping.xml (at same level as process-desing.xml)? You must have something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> /acme