Add users in Bonita

Can Somebody help with how to use Bonita Process to add users/edit organisation and save the user details to the Bonita Database.Can I add the user ,and using the API’s can I save it to the Bonita database or is there a simpler way of creating the user.If anybody has any experience in creating the user.Please help.


If i understood your question correctly, you want to create users dynamically while running a process. Anyway i would provide different ways to create users in Bonita.

  1. You can create organization and users,roles, memberships from Bonita studio. Then publish the organization to portal.
  2. You can create users, roles, and memberships from portal by login as Admin profile user or technical user. The default technical user
    credentials are install/install.
  3. You can create organization xml file as per bonita schema and import the organization in portal by login as admin profile user.
  4. You can create the organization users, role, and membership through IdentityAPI.

Let me know which approach you would like to follow as per your requirements, so that i can share more details if required.

Hari Alla


Thanks for the reply.I want to create a process in Bonita studio(to create user) and that process should call the Identity API which would get info like user,role …And creation of User could be by a technical user.

Thanks in advance,

Thanks !it worked

You can add Users or edit Organisation with a lot of way :

  • in Bonita Studio (in the Organisation tab)
  • in Bonita Portal (in the Organisation => need an administrator profile)
  • in a process (you need to use IdentityApi)

In your process you need to create a script to call the IdentityApi :


With this api you can call many method to create user, group, role, assign a membership to a user, etc …
You can find all the methods here :

For example, if you want to create a user, you can do this :
