When i create a user through API REST, this user only appearse in BONITA PORTAL , so i can’t use this new user into bonita work flow, so i have to export the organization that are there in bonita portal and then import it into Bonita local.
the question is:
How i can automate the proces of creating users in order use this new user in Bonita local whitout export the organization and then import it as i said.
Create a Bonitasoft application/process that adds the user to both portal and local?
That’s what I would do…
PS: if this answers your question, please mark as resolved.
My question is simple,
How i can to export the xml organization file from the bonita portal in order to import it to bonita local, but now i’m doing it manually and i would like to do it automatically, I think that there are a way using javadoc , can you give me a bit more explanation or any examples.
Thanks and regards.
But your statements are contradictory…
In the first question you say without exporting:
How i can automate the process of creating users in order use this new user in Bonita local whitout export the organization and then import it as i said.
Now you are saying I want to export:
How i can to export the xml organization file from the bonita portal in order to import it to Bonita local
You have to decide which is right…
OK then,
From the JavaDoc
you export the organization from Bonita by using the exportOrganization() api and then you use the importOrganization() api to import it…
Here are some links I found with examples by doing a simple Google Search for Bonita importOrganization
the way I would to this is:
- Export the Organization to a shared folder
- In the destination system, have a process that watched the folder (loops once every 5, or 10 minutes)
- When it finds the file Import the Organization (make sure you move it out or delete it afterwards).
PS: if this answers your question, please mark as resolved.
sorry ,
i want to say without exporting “manually”, because what i want to do is import and export “automatically”.