How i add an user to a group, and then to assign role using API REST?


create a bug report on atlassian, it looks like the membership REST API is wrong. There are two DELETES and no PUT.


From what I understand Bonita Studio does NOT use the database as it’s source of data but an XML file.

Try this I think this will work…

  1. Publish your base organization (two users)
  2. Update Users with REST (lots of them)
  3. Sign into the Studio PORTAL with an Administrator Account
  4. Use the Portal Admin pages to export the Organization_data.xml file
  5. Import this file into Studio

I think Studio will now show you all the users (You can verify what is exported of course by opening the XML file…)


Hi Sean MCP,

Thanks for your reply , i’m confused. i created a user , using API REST , and in order to showing this user into bonita portal, i have to assign a profile for this users ,that contains the :group,role and membership, is that no?.

can you guide me.

thanks !

finally i could asign an (USER/GROUP) profile to my user, but i could not assign the group ,role and membership.

also when i create users , and then republished the organization , the users disappear.
so , how i do for that persist the information?

Republishing the Org will wipe all previous entries.

You cannot republish and expect anything to be left from the previous list of users.

Why would you do this anyway? If you made a mistake then every user has to be fixed manually, or through a program.

You could of course, export the List of Users first, make your changes and reimport, then assign profiles as required.

But this is expected behaviour.

regarding group, role and membership sorry still can’t help


Hi,I explain you step by step…
I created an user register form , and when the user register button is pressed , i want to register the user in bonita database forever , however i think that the bonita engine behavior is the following:

when i republish the organization , all changes that i done in bonita database using API REST, it erases forever .

and my question is:

¿How i can to do that all the changes that had been made using API REST,can affect the organization without doing it manually.


I understand - you have a “register me” process, this registers the user in the database,

then you say when I republish the organization

  1. What do you mean by republish?
  2. How do you republish the organization?

We will get back to your ¿How i can to do that all the changes that had been made using API REST, can affect the organization without doing it manually. later…


Excuse me ,because i have not explained better …

back in your questions :

1)What do you mean by republish?
i was referring to publish or republish the organization from bonita studio, after to create an users with API REST. My main idea is to try that all users that i created were in bonita studio in order to use it in workflow.

2)How do you republish the organization?

as i said , i republish the organization with bonita studio when i change whatever parameter.
Here is apicture

Bonita studio

as you see , only there are a two users , but i created a user more with API REST , and only i can see it in bonita portal .


i had already performed this steps ,but i found some problems like this:

  • After create an user and then export the organization with the portal page , into XMl file there are unencrypted password, in other words the password is like this:


not like this:


also the users are without membership however this membership are in bonita portal.
