Bonity charts in cloud?

I hope you or another member of Bonita might help me. After a recent laptop change my workflows are missing. IT searched through my P drive on with the documents have been saved, but could not find anything.

As Bonita is a registered service my great hope is, that the flow charts might be saved in a cloud upon where I can regain them.

Is there a possibility to recover the charts?

Hello Katharina,

Unfortunately processes (workflows) of Bonita users are not saved in the Cloud.

Have you exported a copy of your project (.bos file) before changing your laptop? If it's the case then you can get back everything you had before by importing your .bos file either from a distant server or a local copy in your old laptop. If it's not the case, I afraid you'll have to re-design your processes and everything you worked on.

I hope I answered your question.



As explained above, until you have a bos file, there is not much you can get back. 
But you can retrieve some of the Information. 

1) You can run a simple query to retrieve the BDM from the Database. BDM is very important. Wrong BDM can cause Process to stop working and through error.

2) The Bar file that you install in the Portal is unzipped and its contents are avaialbe in the tmp directory. You can login to the Server and retrieve the Process Forms from the Server tmp path. 

3) You can also retieve the Process diagram.

Unfortunately, you still need to recreate all the contract , Operations and connector information.

Best of Luck


How can I create a bos file?


What is a BDM?

I assumed you were familiar with BonitaSoft Technology. Please go through the "Getting Started Tutorial" .
BDM is Business Data Model. This contains an XML with your Table names and atributes.

BOS file is the combination of your Process, Forms, Database structures, Conenctors and everything related to your Process.


Hi Katharina,

When you create your process diagram in your project and will export it, a .bos file is created. 

And a BDM is a Business Data Model, a set of business object defining your business data aimed at being shared between your processes and applications. 

You can find more details about BDM in the documentation.

Hope this helps.



I think the issue you report originally is not related at all with BDM.

If I understand correctly you used Bonita Studio to create process diagrams. After a laptop change I guess the previous installation of the Studio was moved from your old laptop to the new one.

In order to verify if you still have your process diagrams you can:

  • go in your Studio installation folder
  • go in the "workspace" folder
  • go in the "default" (before Bonita 7.8) or "My project" (Bonita 7.8 and after) folder
  • go in the "diagrams" folder

If you can find .proc files in the "diagrams" folder it means that you still have your processes available.

If you find your .proc diagram files what I recommend is to install in a brand new Studio (keep the old one in a separated folder). From the new Studio installation go in the "File" menu select "Import", "Workspace..." and then select the workspace folder of your previous Studio installation. This should import all your diagrams (and also others artifacts you may have created with Bonita Studio).

About the .bos file, they are actually used to exchange the content create in one Studio with another Studio. This can be used to exchange your diagram, forms... with your colleagues but it can also be used as an alternative to the import of a workspace I mentioned above. This is actually the recommended solution when you install a new version of the Studio:

  • Start the old Studio
  • In the "File" menu select "Export..."
  • Select all the artifacts
  • Save the .bos file
  • Close the old Studio
  • Open the new Studio
  • In the "File" menu select "Import..."
  • Select the previously exported .bos file

I recommend you to use the import of a workspace because you report that you couldn't find anything in your Studio.