Is it possible to disable an instance or a connector in Community edition?

Is it possible to disable an instance or a connector in Community edition 7.1.4?

I have a lot of instances they send an email every day. At the moment I would like to disable sending.


What you you mean by ‘disable’ and an instance of what?

If a task is sending an email (via the plug-in?), remove the condition that is resulting in the email being sent.

I mean for ‘instance’ a case. Is it possible to disable a case?

The task sends an email by connector. To remove a condition It must change a value in BDM, but in this situation is not possible.

OK, but I still am not 100% sure what you mean. You want a process to stop sending emails, right? So, take away the circumstances which either cause it or allow it send the emails.

You can either:

  • Remove the email connector from the task
  • Remove the task from the process
  • Change the condition that causes the task to occur

All of these will work.

I’m new to Bonita, but as far as I know, a ‘case’ is the outcome or evidence of a process that is yet to run or already has run:

A case isn’t something that can be ‘enabled’ or ‘disabled’, it just exists.