First - I use Windows and not Ubuntu so this is built from prior knowledge, not tested scenarios… 
There is a reason you can’t find Ubuntu + OpenJDK + Tomcat + MYSQL in the documenation for 7.2.0 as follows:
- MySQL must be configured with innoDB storage engine.
- Warning: There are known issues with the management of XA transactions by MySQL engine and driver: see MySQL bugs 17343 and 12161 for more details. Thus, using MySQL database in a production environment does not work and is not supported.
This is in page: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/hardware-and-software-requirements-2
Personally, as MySQL is not supported then Bonitasoft should remove MySQL from the list of software requirements.
You are also right in the that this page has not been updated to include 7.2 in the Table…
Anyway, you want to install Bonitasoft on Ubuntu.
As I say I’m a Windows guy, so while the following is conjecture, it might work…I will try it later…when I get a copy of Ubuntu.
The EASIEST way of doing this as a Proof of Concept is NOT to follow the instructions you are using.
Not a problem, though not immediately obvious, just download the ZIP with the integrated TOMCAT, the file name will be:
Unzip this and then you should be able to execute the system from workspace\tomcat\bin with startup.sh
This will use the integrated Tomcat and integrated H2 Database.
This should get the system up and running, then you will be able to
- login with install/install
- create your organization
- import your processes and applications
- and away you go
This will NOT allow you to develop though for that you will need the Studio as Philippe has said.
I hope this at least gets you up and running…