Is it possible to use the last version MySQL Server in Bonitasoft 7.2?
I need to install a database in that server, but I dont know if I will have problem with the bonita.
Thank you,
Is it possible to use the last version MySQL Server in Bonitasoft 7.2?
I need to install a database in that server, but I dont know if I will have problem with the bonita.
Thank you,
Updated details from Bonitasoft means this post is no longer valid…
I want to let you know that I just update the documentation page with support matrix.
Actually MySQL is supported since Bonita BPM 7.1.0 (sorry update was available to customers but not publish externally).
Note that we use support version 5.5.27 because that the version we use for our tests. But it should be just fine to use any other more recent versions.