Problem to deploy new organization in Bonita Studio 2023.2


I've created a new organization in Bonita Studio 2023.2, but when I try to deploy it, I'm prompted to enter a default username. I enter the username, but the system claims that the user does not exist in the current organization, even though the user actually exists. The strange part is that the system only accepts usernames from the default ACME organization. For example, if I enter "walter.bates", I can click the deploy button, and a success message appears, but the default ACME organization is not replaced.

Can anyone help me resolve this issue? How can I successfully deploy my new organization in Bonita Studio 2023.2 without encountering this error?

This is a bug in version 2023.2 The problem you've described occurs when you try to deploy the organization via the context menu or when you use the deploy button in the organization overview.

The only way to deploy an organization is to select the organization and deploy it using the deploy button in the global action toolbar.