DB connector

Using DB connector

Hi everyone!

I would like to know if someone can help me how to use the DB Connector for SQL Server.

I have already created the Connector to an automatic task, configure the sql query and use the graphical mode (N to N in this case) to assign the resultset to a variable type java.util.List

Is it okay to use a java.util.List variable to load the tableResult?

Error Encountered When Running Processes in Bonita after Setting up a Database Connector

Hi Guys,

I have a database connector that executes an insert statement. I created a variable that will be used in insert statement and then I run the process. I also try insert statement with values without using the variable to see if it really inserts data but encountered the error below.

Error Encountered When Running Processes in Bonita

Hi Guys,

I have a database connector that executes an insert statement. Create a variable that will be used in insert statement and then I run the process but encountered the error below.

How can we upload documents using the upload widget in Bonita BPM 7.4.2 by binding it with a DB connector?

My use case is to allow the user to upload document(s) to a MongoDB server from the UI.

I have designed the form for this purpose but I am encountering few problems in configuring the DB Connector and have little to no idea how to bind the upload widget with the DB connector. Specifically, the upload widget has a property - URL that can be configured to tell where the data needs to go; I wish to know how I can specify this property if I have a configured DB Connector.

Thanks in advance!!

Variable in DB Connector

Hello I'm trying to pass a whole sql string into the connector.

For example i have the var SQLSTRING

then in the connector i only write ${SQLSTRING}

when i try to test the connector the following message appears

"Type of expression not admitted for test:
-Entry parameter ´script' is using an expression that contains an unreachable reference"

why is this happening?


DataBase connector error

hello , i m using bonitasoft 6.3 community .

and Two oracle database server . one is production and one is test .

on my test server i m tried to connect it is successfully run , but when i tried to connect to different server (prod) it gives error .

as database side there are all GRANT same for both database . so how can i resolve this problem .

error is as follow : error

How to pass dynamic query into table widget

i create one variable id .

now i want to fire query , select * from ZZ_TEST where id = var(id)

how can i use this type of query into data source connector . (oracle database connector)

Thanks kandarp

how to connect and write on db using groovy connector

i create one connector (groovy)

and use following code

import groovy.sql.Sql; import java.sql.Driver;

import groovy.sql.Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "apps", "spider123", "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource") sql.execute( """INSERT INTO XX_HOTEL (NAME,ADDRESS) VALUES(?, ?)""", [test,test])

How to get data from the Form

I create custom connector for write data into database . now i create one from :'emp_details' how can i get this form's data into connector . for write this form data into database

Let take Clear example :

one from : emp_detail fields on that form : name , address

connector i created code is as follow , so how can i pass forms field into this preparedstatement's query

/** * */ package org.mycompany.connector;

How to Write On Database in Bonitasoft

i am totaly new in this field ,

i want to write on database in bonitasoft how can i query database ( insert query)

i am able to connect database and retrive data using connector , but now how can i store data into database

i use oracle 10g external database

thanks and regards

kandarp patel
