rest-api-context 2.9 AccessRight and Explicit variable

Release notes

2.9 Supervisor, accessright and explicit variable
include the accessright mechanism, and use a cache to speed up the permission calculation
include the explicit variable mechanism
Refactoring the Gitbub project (thanks to Kilian for the amazing job here)
is the user is a Supervisor (Process Manager), then let access the context
Add in the context isSupervisor (boolean)
Add in the context a "allowContext" to explain how the user accessed the context if isLog=true
when the URL contains "log=true" and the user is a ADMINISTRATOR or SUPERVISOR, then the context return "log".
Fix bug to list document where case is archived
Fix bug to the caseId information when we access by a taskId only
when the case is archive, return in context the "caseid" with the ACTIVE case, and "archivedcaseid" is the new caseId

2.9.1 : fix a bug in permission
2.9.2 : fix a bug in PermissionRule to access the correct document in the SqlRequest

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