5.2 bar Archive to 5.9 bar Archive - automatically


Hello there,

I'm working at a large company that has been using Bonita for a while now. By the time, a lot of process workflows have been created and are still in use. They were all created with Bonita 5.2 and we now want to upgrade to (at least) Bonita 5.9. Since we are also using Bonita's server library to implement our own workflow engine, there is now a problem with all the outdated bar Archives created so far: Our new workflow engine (implementing Bonita 5.9) isn't accepting the old 5.2 bar Archives anymore.

Is there any way to update these bar Files automatically through the library's API? I'm thinking of something like importing an old bar Archive and exporting it as a new version, which we would do with each bar Archive there is. While this perfectly works when doing it with Bonita Studio, we don't want to do it manually (since there are a lot of processes to update).

Any other solutions?

best regards, phil

1 answer



The bar migration has to take place through the Studio. I confirm that this is the only solution currently.

Best, Francois
