Cant able to run the process


Whenever i try to run the process it shows me error saying that **RUN HAS FAILED WHILE DEPLOYING THE PROCESS ** The details of the failure is :- Walter.bates is not authorized user or password in the configration is wrong.

Can anyone suggest what to do..

1 answer


Hi. Did you modify the Organization ? I think your process try to log with the default user "watler.bates" but it doesn't find this user. You can try to change the configuration. Click on "Configure", then in the new window choose "Authentification". Here choose a user that you have created (if you have changed the organization).

If this doesn't solve the problem, maybe the organization isn't published. Try to log on the portal with the user "walter.bates" (password "bpm") to see if the user is working.


Submitted by kriya93 on Mon, 03/23/2015 - 10:48

Hi yannick, Yes I have modified the organization but it isn't working.

and when i try too publish Organization it shows me error. and also i am unable to log on to the portal.

can u suggest solution for this.

Submitted by Sean McP on Mon, 03/23/2015 - 11:44


well the first thing to do is fix the organization and publish that. Nothing will work if you don't fix and publish the organization.

If you exported the organization and edited the XML directly - well you need to fix it - no-one else can help you if you do that.

You will have to import the organization and then publish it to make it work.

Then you can try to run your process, and if Walter.bates is not in the organization you will have to choose someone who is to deploy the process from studio.

You can do this in Edit->Preferences->Server Settings and give the name of a person in your organization for Studio Portal.

