Create an actor with a set of users during case


I need to specified the users that belong in an actor during the execution of the case, I don't know who is going to be able to see this until the previous human task finishes and indicates the id of the next users, it is required that these users can only see this task and no other

3 answers


There isn't a predefined filter for a list of users. Therefore you need to write your own actor filter that takes a list of user IDs as input. In the Bonita documentation there is a tutorial how to develop an actor filter.


what actor should I put on the filter? single-user only lets me add one actor, but there's a chance I can have more than one id incoming


You can do the following:

  • In the previous task, you store the list of the selected users' IDs in a variable
  • Then you need to create an actor filter which is rather simple: In takes the list of IDs as input, and the "filter"-Method just returns this list. Using this filter in a tasks, all users from the list can see and execute the task.