create chat or instant messaging on bonita


I just started to use bonita and not an expert programmer , I need help . Should I put inside my process a chat or any type of instant messaging . I read of connectors as kannel SMS but have not found anything on implementation. there is a way to allow two actors in the process of being able to interact in this way ?
I hope someone can help me
thank you

2 answers


Welcome, and you are like me when I started (and still am) - not expert...

Breaking this down...

Should I put inside my process a chat or any type of instant messaging?

Interesting question to which I can't answer yes or no, that is up to you. However, now you've brought it up I think we will add the same thing to our processes. A very good idea.

I did a google search for adding chat to web sites and got a whole load of usable information using third parties, for internal use only you need to look up something like intranet chatting in java.

Don't ask about implementation as I haven't done it either, yet :)

hope the above helps,


I'm trying to insert a skype button on my form..On skype's page I found this code

I'm trying to use this code in a html widget but not runs. Can someone help me on this??


Submitted by Sean McP on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 03:40

No code...and this is not the same as adding a chat. Should be moved to another question...

Submitted by monicamegaro on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 10:59

ok I move to another question and post there the code but create a chat in bonita is very difficult and I was considering an alternative , why I wrote here . Thanks anyway
