Custom Theme Packaging and Deployment Using Bonita-Project-Maven-Plugin


I am currently working on a BonitaSoft application that utilizes a custom theme. While leveraging the bonita-project-maven-plugin, I encountered an issue related to the packaging and deployment of this theme. The plugin didn't acknowledge the presence of a theme during the packaging process. Still, where the theme should be located needs to be clarified to ensure successful installation and deployment.

When I attempt to package the application, I encounter an exception stating that the theme is unavailable in the system. This leads me to believe that either the theme needs to be correctly embedded into the package or there's an additional step required for deployment that I need to be aware of.

Please provide guidance or point me to the appropriate documentation on the correct process for embedding and deploying a custom theme using the bonita-project-maven-plugin. Any specific instructions or examples would be greatly appreciated, as they would help me understand how to resolve this issue effectively.

1 answer

This one is the BEST answer!

Adding a custom theme for deployment in BonitaSoft is a straightforward process. Often, the solution is right in front of us; it just requires a bit of exploration. Here are the simple steps to follow:

Navigate to the Overview Page:
Start by going to the Overview Page within your BonitaSoft environment.

Access Extensions:
Look for the 'Extensions' button, typically located in the top right corner of the interface.

Add a Custom Extension:
Click on the 'Extensions' button, and from the options presented, select 'Add a Custom Extension'.

Select Theme:
In the next step, choose 'Theme' as the type of extension you want to add.

Upload the Theme File:
You will then be prompted to upload the theme. Here, add the zip file of your custom theme.

Complete the Process:
Once the zip file is uploaded, your custom theme is set and ready for use.

By following these steps, you can easily add a custom theme to your BonitaSoft application, enhancing the visual appearance and user experience.
