Form should throw error if the text in the field does not match with the database


Hi all

I have a student request form. Now when student types his name, then in the background it should be verified with our database and if the name does not exit then it should throw error "invalid".

How to do this??

1 answer


This is part of your process logic and not part of what Bonita should be doing.

Here is an example of how to do this, but it very much depends on what you want to do:

I have two fields on the screen, the Text Field and a Message Field.
I attach a Javascript onChange event to the text Field
The onChange Event calls a piece of AJAX code, which in turn makes a call to the database and return (true or false, valid or invalid etc.) if the data is found or not.

You can then set the Message Field to the error text if invalid or blank if OK,

Hope this helps,
