Update ProcessInstance variables in 6.3.x using Bonita API


Hi, We would like to update processInstance variables at run time. In v5.9 we had used following code snippet to do so using RuntimeAPI


Map<String, Object> mTemp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mTemp.put("varSLA",varSLA); mTemp.put("criticalityScoreTemp",criticality); mTemp.put("priority",priority); runtimeAPI.setProcessInstanceVariables(processInstance.getUUID(), mTemp);


What would be right API in v6.3.x to update processInstance variables ? Can anyone give code snippet for illustration.

Regards Subhadeep

2 answers


Thanks Seán, yeah I have looked into this method. Just want confirm is this method good to update process ** level variables also not **activity/task level variable ? The scope of process level variables is much more I guess. Let me know your thoughts.

Regards Subhadeep


Submitted by Sean McP on Fri, 01/02/2015 - 17:23


I think you need to be looking here then, and there are four different examples... :)

regards Seán


I think what you are looking for is updateActivityInstanceVariables.

JavaDoc is here

Sorry I don't have a code example,

regards Seán
