i am getting validation error while exporting the form how to fix it

after exporting the form and again importing it causes other forms to be corrupted , so it need to be fix before exporting the form how to fix the validation error


This sounds a bit weird, never had this happen before, where do you import and export the form from and to? UI Designer? Portal? Studio?
Also, when you say corrupted, what do you mean? Do the files disappear? Does their name change?

Thank you


firstly thankyou so much for looking into it. I am exporting the form from bonita studio (UI designer) and importing the same in bonita studio in another pc.

corrupted means when i am opening the form in UI Designer only blank page is opening and also the forms which were opening before importing this particular, now they are also blank in UI Designer.

Hi, again, sry for taking so long to answer. What version of Studio do you have on both the pcs? Could you also look in the ui designer logs and see if there is any errors and post them here?

actually there is now log related to this activity. i think fixing the validation error while exporting the form will solve this problem

so can you just help me with how to fix the validation error while exporting the form from UI Designer

What is the validation error? How does it show on the page? Is there a tooltip for the error?

i have mailed you the ss

Sorry, how did you send me an email? I haven't received anything anywhere...

hello this is the ss of it you can see there is validation error in the uppeer bar where we can export the form

I think that it's not working :(
(I'm trying to post an image and it's not working either)

Ok, I got the image from one of the admins. The only time that I have seen this problem is when you have a modal inside another modal.

so can you tell me how to fix this problem

Yes, what I think that what you need, if that is the case, is to move the modal containers outside the modal containers. You can find more information about it here: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/7.11/widgets#toc12. I think you are in the case of the last paragraph of the modal container widget.