Loking for assistance through developing application?

Hi guys! Im doing my school project in Bonita. Since i am just starting using Bonita, i feel lost. I am developing an application for ordering and paying drinks in bars. My first question is, is it anyhow possible to import document as manu and its prices? I’ve created the process but i can’t figure out data :frowning: Please help anyone!

please elaborate on your process scenario.
also please explain step by step what you want to achieve using Bonita.
It would be good to know till what step have you managed so far


Thank you for your answer!
So, my plan is to create process based application for ordering drinks in bars.
-The start would be a guest scanning the QR code from the table.
-Then the menu with prices and articles would open, and the guest could pick the drinks and quantity of drinks.
-Next step is to confirm the order.
-The order would then be sent to waiter’s application with the order number, content of the order and the number of the table that sent the order.
-The order would be verified by waiter and he would send back a notification if the order is valid or not.
-If the order is valid, it would go in preparation, if not, the waiter sends the notification and application would redirect the guest on the menu again.
-After the consummation, guest would order again or send a request for payment.
-After the guest pays the waiter, waiter eliminates the “orders” in the application.

The idea is that when the guest pays the receipts, application sends it directly to e-mail, but I will not put that in the process.

So… By far I did the process as in the photo: https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/45202476_746808189002406_5435264147967180800_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=0e956b21ec08d2ceee4e3728f04fa28f&oe=5C46A6D6

Start- Reading the QR code

  1. (Human Task) Opening the Menu
  2. (Human Task) Creating the Order
  3. (Human task) Confirming the order
  4. (Application Task) Send the order
  5. (Human Task) Validate the order - Waiter
  6. Is the order Valid?
    - Yes, Condition: true
    - No, Condition: false
  7. If No, waiter sends notification that order isn’t valid
    8. Make different order?
    - Yes, Condition: true
    - No, Condition false
    9. If no, the process is over.
  8. If yes, application opens the menu again.
  9. Back to the 6th step. If answer yes, waiter sends notification that the order is in realization
  10. After consuming, does guest want to order again?
    -Yes, Condition: true
    -No, Condition: false
  11. If not, guest chooses to request to pay
  12. Guest pays the receipt and leavs
    15.Back to step 12, if guest wants to order again, he chooses option another order
  13. The menu opens again
  • This is how the guest interface should work. Im worried mostly about managing data.
    If you want me to send you my project by now, contact me on e-mail dkrbot@net.efzg.hr

Thank You for your time!



First of all, really great idea.

But I am not sure how you plan to integrate Bonita wilt any external device like mobile scanner app or external scanner app. Its a challenge for me. But if you do have any solutions for that, please do let me know.

Most of the Application that I make are usually web based. User opens a web page and process starts

Do you have idea about contract and operation in Bonita .
Usually we need to define a contract first, create formInput and formOutput.
Then pass these values to Database.

If you have understanding of them , then it will be easy.
I am guessing that you will need multiple pages to be designed to perform each steps.

Let me know how far have to completed, apart from making the flow diagram.
Did you create a business data object, Did you create any forms, did you create operation to save data to database.


Thank you for your answer!
So, my plan is to create process based application for ordering drinks in bars.
-The start would be a guest scanning the QR code from the table.
-Then the menu with prices and articles would open, and the guest could pick the drinks and quantity of drinks.
-Next step is to confirm the order.
-The order would then be sent to waiter’s application with the order number, content of the order and the number of the table that sent the order.
-The order would be verified by waiter and he would send back a notification if the order is valid or not.
-If the order is valid, it would go in preparation, if not, the waiter sends the notification and application would redirect the guest on the menu again.
-After the consummation, guest would order again or send a request for payment.
-After the guest pays the waiter, waiter eliminates the “orders” in the application.

The idea is that when the guest pays the receipts, application sends it directly to e-mail, but I will not put that in the process.

So… By far I did the process as in the photo: https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/45202476_7468081890024

Start- Reading the QR code

  1. (Human Task) Opening the Menu
  2. (Human Task) Creating the Order
  3. (Human task) Confirming the order
  4. (Application Task) Send the order
  5. (Human Task) Validate the order - Waiter
  6. Is the order Valid?
  • Yes, Condition: true
  • No, Condition: false
  1. If No, waiter sends notification that order isn’t valid
  2. Make different order?
  • Yes, Condition: true
  • No, Condition false
  1. If no, the process is over.
  2. If yes, application opens the menu again.
  3. Back to the 6th step. If answer yes, waiter sends notification that the order is in realization
  4. After consuming, does guest want to order again?
    -Yes, Condition: true
    -No, Condition: false
  5. If not, guest chooses to request to pay
  6. Guest pays the receipt and leavs
    15.Back to step 12, if guest wants to order again, he chooses option another order
  7. The menu opens again

This is how the guest interface should work. Im worried mostly about managing data.
If you want me to send you my project by now, contact me on e-mail dkrbot@net.efzg.hr
Thank You for your time!


Sorry for such late answer!

Unfortunatley, didn’t get till the Forms yet.

As for Data, that is the part that Im struggling with. I think I figured out how to create Business Objects, but I dont know Java language to define it. I have sucsseded importing an document to in Bonita Studio, but now I have no idea how to go on.

This is what I have done for now:

  1. Inputs and Constraints



The first 9 inputs (the “quantity” ones) represents a quantity of selected drinks. For start, I just created 9 items. Guest should inport at least 1 of articles listed as an integer. I see it like “Select” Widgets from UI Designer.
The menu I inported in Bonita studio should be the table of content and prices of articles.

“Confirm order” should be a button that would lead to next form.

If the guest select the order that contains a “QuantityCedevita” input, next form should contain a text: Sorry! We are out of Cedevita" and two buttons: “Select a diferent order” and “Exit MyBar”. If the guest selects Select a diferent order, the app should take him back to menu. And if he clicks the Exit button, App sould open a form with text: “Thank you for using MyBar, have a nice day!”

If the guest creates the order without “quantityCedevita” input, The app should open the form with contant of the order, summary of the prices, and number of order (example: Order Nr.1.: …) . Also underneeth the text: “Order is accepted! Your drinks are on its way!” and oferring two more buttons: “Reorder” and “Pay”.

After the consuming, guest can press “reorder” button and be sent back to the menu to choose another order. And that order should be added to previous order on the form with notification that the order is accepted. (example: Order Nr.1./list of articles and sum./, Order Nr.2./list of articles and sum/ etc… ) Maximum numer of reorders should be 4.

When the Guest presses “Pay” button, the app openes a form containing text: “The waiter is on its way! Thank you for using MyBar, have a nica day!”

this is the excel table I inported:


those are the articles, quantity, and prices.

I dont know if i have created data as I should, but as I figured the Input in contrats represents the clients input, and Constraints represents the applications output?

Please tell me what you think of it, and how should i go further wth developing this?

Thank you verry much for your help,

Sincerely, Dora