
This Connector allows you to leverage the Mule ESB, allowing you to use ALL the transports available in Mule. Furthermore, with the new mule-transport-bonita (which is Mule's equivalent to THIS connector) you can even start processes or execute tasks once events in Mule are received. So for example, you can kick off a new Process once an email is received in a specific mailbox, or possibly get a JMS message, or any event from the 40+ transports that are available in mule.

Currently, we could only put up the jar containing the connector so you will need the Mule ESB jars. Currently Mule CE 2.2.1 is supported. We are working to upload an archive which will contain the Mule embedded, making it easier to deploy into your processes. In the meantime you can download the process which contains the core jars required to start Mule and a couple of transports, including the mule-transport-bos which allows you to execute Bonita tasks from Mule.

For an example using this connector together with the mule-transport-bos, take a look at this process: This example has embedded in it the required jars and also the mule-transport-bos jar.

GPL v2


Total downloads: 682
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
mule-5.2.2 5.2 2010-Sep-10 Download
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