Bonita Email task is not showing form


Hi - I am migrating Bonita docker from 7.7 to the latest version and mysql from v5 to v8. Migration successfully happened the only issue is with the email preview for the task.

Java application is used to create task to bonita engine and feed details to database. Task is visible in Bonita Web portal but in task's form section, it doesn't show anything but email subject.

Form says: This task cannot be executed from here.


Submitted by romain.bioteau on Tue, 09/20/2022 - 08:58

Can it be a CORS isssue ? Does the logged user belongs to the task actor ?

Submitted by devjat17 on Thu, 09/22/2022 - 08:35

I don't see any error while accessing task in browser or in the docker logs.

Also, I have tried adding it to the task actor, still not displayed the task form.

Submitted by devjat17 on Tue, 10/25/2022 - 08:18

It is resolved now. Issue exist in the form, as it was created in Bonita Studio 7.7. Forms should be created in the same version of Bonita Studio becuase its properties and page json will differ.

Submitted by romain.bioteau on Tue, 10/25/2022 - 10:14

Thanks for the heads up.

Would you mind sharing the details of this issue in a ticket ? It should not be required to rebuild your forms when updating your Bonita version.

Thanks for your help.

1 answer


Hi Guys,

Any update on this ?
I have also tried but still not luck on this issue


Submitted by devjat17 on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 02:04

Just to update you all, I am migration Bonita docker from 7.7 to the latest version and mysql from v5 to v8. Migration successfully happened the only issue is with the email preview for the task.
