Bonita project clone error


[ FR ]


Je suis en version community 7.14, et lors de mes premiers clones de projets, je n'ai pas eu de soucis particuliers.
Par contre récemment lorsque je tente de cloner des projets, (par ex le pole nord, que j'avais déja cloné lors de précédents tests), il m'affiche ce message d'erreur.
Mais je n'ai pas trouvé de version 7.15, ni sur le site ni avec le fichier bat

Avez-vous une idée de pourquoi ce message s'affiche?

Le git est bien récupéré depuis les exemples, et le lien du git sur bonita community.


[ FR ]

[ EN ]


I am in Bonita 7.14 community version, and tried to clone the north pole project from bonita community, the first time I cloned it was ok as many others, but recently some clones; not everyones; give me this error, but i couldn't find any version above 7.14.

Any idea why I am seeing this?

[ EN ]


2 answers



The 7.15.0 version is the technical id of the 2022.2 version. It has been released in october 2022, so I don't understand the beta part of your message.

You can find it on the download page.

You can clone any project done with previous versions in the latest version of a Bonita Studio. Once a branch is migrated in the new version, it is not possible to clone this branch in an older version.



Submitted by jeremy.orion on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 17:46

The download page give me the 2022.1-u0 with v7.14 version of Bonita, and after some searches on the forum/website I have found the "Beta" version BonitaStudioCommunity-2022.1-b1 which displays as 7.15

As you can see in capture original download isn't in 7.15 version, only the beta one.


Submitted by romain.bioteau on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 18:13

I have a 2022.2 when using this link

Submitted by jeremy.orion on Tue, 02/07/2023 - 09:18

Yes apparently download link has been updated, but at the time I've got the error, it was previous version, and 7.15 was only on the beta one

Submitted by romain.bioteau on Tue, 02/07/2023 - 09:22

Oh, ok. Yes, it is not impossible that the link was not up-to-date at some point.


Submitted by jeremy.orion on Thu, 02/09/2023 - 17:29


IS it possible to discuss in private?

I am struggling with a bonita project and would know if some actions are possible within community edition.



Submitted by romain.bioteau on Thu, 02/09/2023 - 17:37

Don't hesitate to ask on the community forum ;)

Submitted by jeremy.orion on Thu, 02/09/2023 - 17:55

Yes that's already done, I just thank it would be easier^^


Hello everyone,

I've found the problem and his solution.

The 7.15 version is the beta one, after installed it, the project can be imported correctly, but my new question is, why can't we import new version in previous, especially since it's a beta version, it can be reversed at any time.



Submitted by thalia.cruz on Wed, 02/15/2023 - 16:37

Hi jeremy.orion,

You're totally right! We had an issue on our website at the beginning of the year and the download link was pointing to 2022.1 (technical id: 7.14) Sorry about this! It was fixed shortly after a community member raised the issue. yes

The link points now to our latest stable version 2022.2 (technical id: 7.15). This version is no longer on beta, it was released last October.

In fact, we have 2 releases per year. For each, we share our beta with our users and a few weeks later after gathering the feedback, we go further and push the release.

Hope this is a bit clearer, if not let me know.

Thanks and have a nice day!

PS. Spoiler alert: next beta will be available in a month! Let me know if you'd like me to keep you informed.
