Change what logout does


I've seen the question asked before, but the answers seemed lacking.

We are using the "Subscription" edition of BonitaSoft, and we are using the web-portal. We modified login.jsp slightly and that works great for us.

We'd like the Logout link to do a bit more, we'd like to add a confirmation page, and have it do some other work like clean out some cookies we've set. We might even want to re-direct to another URL when the logout link is hit.

Probably the easiest way to do is to have our own logout.jsp page as one does not currently exist.
If we could have the Logout link go to logout.jsp, we could take the test of it from there.

I know Bonita Portal is built with GWT 2.5.1 at least our 6.3.x version is, and we know we can't really change the Logout link, but if we could find the template to do that, that would be great.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

1 answer


Hi, Actually, the logout entry just makes a GET request to /logoutservice, so you should be able to filter the queries to this service and add some custom behavior.


Submitted by tholmes_1 on Wed, 01/21/2015 - 16:38

Well, that is just the tip of the iceberg, and doesn't help me out too much.

Are you saying that the "Logout" link just calls /logoutservice? After logging out a user from Bonita, then does that do a simple re-direct to index.html after, which then calls login.jsp (the HomePageFilter)? Because that seems to be what is happening now.

There are two other things we need to do AFTER the user is logged out from Bonita. I don't think we can change /logoutservice and that's fine, but we need a cookie deleted and then re-directed back to another web-site altogether. I know this has been asked before, but not sure if it got an answer.


Submitted by anthony.birembaut on Wed, 01/21/2015 - 17:30

I might be missing something, but looking at the code, I think we simply redirect to /logoutservice and then the Logout Service Servlet performs the redirection to login.jsp once the session is cleaned and invalidated. Sure we use GWT to build the menu, but when you click on the logout link, what happens basically is just something like Window.location="../logoutservice"

So by providing your own service for logging out and mapping it on /loginservice, I think you should be fine (of course, the handling of the cookie and the redirection to the other website should be part of your service implementation).
