Does Bonita Community version has Business Data Model (BDM)


Hi There,

I have been testing 6.3.8 and met a problem when I tried to add form that can be used for every step to pass value.

I found BDM in the documentation that might suit our needs. However I was not able to test the feature cuz I didn't find it in the community version.

So does the feature exist with community version? If yes where is it? If no then is there any workaround? Thanks a lot in advance


Submitted by Sean McP on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 07:53

I'm assuming when you say "add form that can be used for every step to pass value" that you mean "add variable that can be used for every step passing its value". This is possible using Pool Variables otherwise, sorry the statement doesn't really make much sense...can you clarify.

The BDM feature is really about records in external databases, like employee, client, vendor etc.

The BDM feature makes it easier to do this rather than writing your own code...which is what I'm doing as community is my lowest level of entry point.

In my case I'm writing Java Connectors that are specific to my needs.

I'll try to help further if you need it...

1 answer


Have found this link

So is there any workaround?
